Weldon Denounces Sham Democrat "Energy" Bill


Date: Sept. 15, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

Weldon Denounces Sham Democrat "Energy" Bill

Leader Pelosi's non-energy will do harm to American energy independence than good

Today, Congressman Dave Weldon (FL-15) issued the following statement following Speaker Nancy Pelosi's refusal to allow a vote on the comprehensive American Energy Act (H.R. 6566) and instead introduced a non-energy bill (H.R. 6899) that actually increases federal regulations on oil exploration and increases taxes by the billions.

"After weeks of assurances from Speaker Pelosi and the Democrat Leadership in the House that a bipartisan energy bill would be introduced, I am disgusted by the Democrat ‘non-energy' bill introduced late last night. While energy remains one of the most critical problems facing our nation and gas prices remain at record levels, the Democrat Majority dropped the bill just shy of midnight and provided Republicans less than one hour's notice to offer amendments. So partisan and rigged is this bill that not one amendment was allowed by the Democrat majority.

"Speaker Pelosi reneged on her commitment to bring forth real bipartisan energy reform. This sad excuse for an energy bill provides states with zero incentives to allow drilling off of their coasts by prohibiting revenue sharing on any newly leased areas. Furthermore, this bill actually prohibits drilling where the vast majority of the oil exists, within 3-50 miles of the coastline. Rather than spur energy independence, this bill will dramatically increase taxes on the oil industry and impose disincentives for states and oil producers to tap our vast American energy resources. To make matters worse, the bill includes an earmark for a New York transportation project for Rep. Charlie Rangel, who is currently under investigation for ethics violations.

"With a grand opportunity to work in a bipartisan way and bring an end to our national dependence on foreign oil, the Democrat Majority instead chose to mock the American people and our ongoing energy crisis. Instead of lifting the moratorium on offshore drilling, this bill extends the ban on roughly nine-tenths of all of America's offshore resources, specifically areas that have the most promise. This bill also requires that states proactively pass state laws allowing drilling on federal lands within their borders, yet provides no revenue sharing incentives for these states to act.

"I am saddened to say that this bill is a sham and a sick joke, and it disrespects the wishes and urgent energy needs of the American people," concluded Weldon.
